The Lord will never speak the totality of his heart to us in a single prophetic word. Rather, God speaks words that will give us a focus for now and the immediate future.
As we work within those prophecies and allow our lives to be encouraged and shaped by then, we can see that prophetic promise builds from one word to another. Most of the prophetic words that I have personally received from a wide variety of sources, which are mostly unconnected and unrelated to one another, have built successively a picture of where God has been determined to other and direct my path.
The key to unfolding yourself is to live within the oracles of God by resting in his sayings. Resting in his sayings will allow you to become Gods mouth piece. A true prophet is God’s mouth piece he or she is the express thought out of his person, they only will say what he would say.
To be perfectly honest, no two people are exactly similar or the same. We all have the same basic design, but under no circumstances do we feel, reason, act or think the exact same way.
We are the unique expressions of God. This uniqueness is often seen in way we respond to outward things. For example, three different people might attend a musical concert and have three different reactions. The first person might find the experience uplifting because of the refreshing rhythm of course to the music. The second might be irritated by the beat and volume of music and hear nothing but loud noise. The third could be so touched by the words of the song, that he or she oblivious to the music. They all heard the SAME SOURCE BUT RECEIVED AND RESPONSEDED DIFFERENTLY.